Monday, August 31, 2015

For every mountain....

So while getting prepared to lose weight and start my weight loss journey. This past March I found out one of the reasons why my legs hurt so much. I found out that this is due to a condition (which obesity can bring about) called Lymphedema. Before I can have surgery, my surgeon wants me to gain strength in my legs and also lose the fluid in my legs so that I can move around easier.

Last week was MY week...Let me explain.

I spoke with my physical therapist, he said that I needed new shoes. So I went to a shoe store with a set of specific needs. With the support of a friend and the help of a pleasant sales associate, I found the perfect shoes. They fit and were within the budget I was allowed. I was soooooo happy.

Last week, Friday to be exact. I was sent new wraps by ezmedicalwraps. They sent me wraps and I tried them on. That night I wanted to walk everywhere. I could see a BIG improvement in the swelling of my legs.

I'm counting my calories for two weeks now. I've lost four pounds. God is being so good to me and I give Him all the glory for helping me. I have said no to all kinds of temptations and even had a slice of cake.

I hope to be done with physical therapy in 5 to 6 weeks. Then back to the surgeon to see when I can have the lap band done. They just want me to be up and moving around right after surgery and reduce the size of my legs so that I don't get an infection.

I hope that I will soon be healthy enough to walk the 2 and a half blocks to the beach maybe by next year.

I heard this song by Karen Wheaton For Every Mountain. You should look it up. I feel like it resonates with everything the Lord is bringing me through so far.

Right now I'm currently looking up music to put on my headphones so I can exercise. Please pray that I can keep it up at least a couple days a week.

Sorry I haven't written in a while. I will try to write more often.